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What People Are Saying
“Great job on this. Enjoy watching your writing develop, and appreciate you sharing your speculative positions. Also, PERFECT meme to share with my uncle always bragging about his Tesla stock.”
Ryan Atkins
Chump Change Reader
“I just read your newsletter about a Roth IRA. Did not have one at the time, but I just opened one up through Fidelity. I had been wondering how they worked and if this was something I needed to take advantage of. The newsletter was very helpful and straight to the point. Thank you so much!”
Bobby Gutierrez
Chump Change Reader
“I don't know a ton about investing but I've learned a lot since I started following you. ETFs are one of the things I've started investing in. Thanks for all the great info you give out!”
Creeping D
Chump Change Reader
“Your day trading piece was on point! Really enjoyed.”
Ethan Jackson
Chump Change Reader
“Straight fire my guy.”
Harris Harner
Chump Change Reader
“The lost decade piece is 10/10!”
Akshay Roundy
Chump Change Reader