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- 3 Weird Ways To Save Money
3 Weird Ways To Save Money
Hey there my friend!
Hope your week is off to a great start.
In case you didn’t realize August is here so make sure you take care of those monthly contributions!
I’ll be adding to some of my growth ETFs this month. Those on my radar to add too are QQQ, QQQJ, and ARKK.
Getting into this week’s topic I wanted to share three interesting ways I save some coin.
Apply these to your life and you might have a few extra dollars laying around every month.
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“I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money.” - Pablo Picasso
These three tips aren’t budgeting recommendations, but just creative ways to save a few dollars each month.
Ideally, these will let you increase your savings/investments.
Meal PreppingYes I am a little bit of a health nut…Meal prepping though is a great way to shave a few dollars off your food budget.One of the best ways to do this is by buying in bulk. Ground meat, eggs, rice, beans, and chicken are all examples of popular foods that can be bought for cheap in bulk.
Lose The Bottled WaterNow I know that some areas recommend residents drink bottled water due to health concerns.For those not in these areas though consider buying a pitcher with a water filter.This will allow you to save on buying bottles each week, and still have chilled clean water straight from your fridge.For those psychopaths like me, you can drink straight from the tap.
Yep…CoffeeI know, I know, this one is obvious and talked about ALL THE TIME.Buying a coffee everyday though can really add up.Especially if you are one of those sugar addicts who gets a vanilla mocha cappuccino with three pumps of cream everyday.You know who you are….In all seriousness though, consider making your coffee at home.Nowadays there are so many different types of grounds and coffee makers you can surely find a way to make satisfying coffee for a fraction of the cost.
These aren’t the fanciest tips, and they aren’t going to make you the next Jeff Bezos.
For those who want some creative ways to save a few dollars though, consider applying these to your everyday life.
Using these methods has allowed me to save a couple hundred bucks a month that I instead add to my brokerage accounts.
In the long run, every dollar counts.
Folks it’s almost time.
As you can tell from my Twitter feed I am a huge fan of ETFs.
I finally have put together an 80+ page guide that covers all aspects of ETF investing for beginners.
If you want to utilize ETFs in your portfolio, learn how to analyze them, or simply want to see my favorite picks, this is for you.
Preorders will start next week and as a thank you for being subscribed I will be sending out a special discount soon. Keep an eye out for that email!!!
In Olympic fashion.
My god the meme became reality
— Carlos (@txiokatu)
5:29 PM • Aug 1, 2021
When I buy 1 share of $AMZN before earnings
— Ramp Capital (@RampCapitalLLC)
12:03 PM • Jul 28, 2021
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. about the email send me a DM on twitter. See you next week!