Dirty Businesses That Pay

It doesn't have to be pretty, it just has to make money.

Top of the morning to you.

(or evening if you are reading this a little later)

I’m actually in the process of making some big moves in one of my accounts.

When I started investing I made the mistake of chasing a few high dividend yielding stocks (10%+).

At the time these were the mortgage REITS (real estate investment trusts) NRZ and NYMT.

Being honest with yourself as an investor is important, and that’s exactly what I did.

I told myself “I don’t understand their business model, and I am not interested in following them.”

I Dont Understand Kyle Massey GIF by ALLBLK (formerly known as UMC)

Knowing this I have decided to sell off these positions and move the funds into SCHD (a popular dividend ETF) and a couple new growth positions.

Stocks I am interested in are ABNB (Airbnb) and CRSR (Corsair Gaming).

Keep an eye on my Twitter as I will be posting my final position there and will cover why in next week’s email.

Note: If this email is appearing in your spam you can fix that by dragging it to your main inbox.

We could all use a little oil-striking.

My formula for success is rise early, work late and strike oil.” --JP Getty

Labor Is Good For The Soul

For my long time followers you know I have grown up in a rural Texas town centered around farming and ranching.

(no kids don’t ride horses to school here, and yes I’ve been asked that)

Billy Crystal Cowboy GIF

This has led to me putting in countless hours of manual labor over the years and picking up on a few handy-man skills.

At first glance knowing how to build a shed, fix a motor, or replace a faucet don’t seem very valuable.

Looking a little deeper though, you would be surprised.

A Little Dirt Never Hurt

Over the last week I have found a new podcast that has really opened my eyes into the potential of some of theses “sweaty” business models.

The name of the podcast is “The Sweaty Startup” and is hosted by Nick Huber.

He is a great twitter follow as well.

In his podcast Nick goes into why starting a non-sexy business is underrated.

My favorite part is where he takes these business models and breaks them down financially to reveal the numbers and how profitable they can be.

(spoiler alert, a number of them can easily do over $100k)

For example a few I have heard him mention before.

  • Lawn care

  • Window Washing

  • Fence Building

Personal Example

I have been in the process of building a small outdoor shower for a family property to make some extra money.

“No pIC nO pROof,” well here is my picture.

(carpenters don’t roast me)

Just in the couple days I have been working on this I have had two neighbors approach me saying they want one built.

Running some rough numbers I’ll be netting about $400-$500 per shower after material costs.

That works out somewhere around $25/hr take home pay.

The way it’s looking I’m going to be building showers the rest of the summer.


This just goes to show that making extra cash doesn’t have to be fancy.

Go throw your lawnmower in a truck, break out that wrench set, or dust off those paint brushes and start making some side money.

Who knows, one day you might be running a six figure business.

This isn’t a sponsored post but I’d highly recommend you check out Nick’s podcast.

He has great insights for entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Tag Nick on Twitter and let him know I sent you.

What song you playing to do this?

Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. about the email send me a DM on twitter. See you next week!