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- My Journey To 25K Twitter Followers
My Journey To 25K Twitter Followers
Behind the scenes access to my Twitter analytics, revenue, and long term plan.
If you are not a subscriber join 2,115 other cool people who read my opinions on investing, personal finance, and business. (And they enjoy good memes)
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Weekly Recap
Shout it from the rooftops! The inflation data for July came in below expectations at 8.5%. Yes, it's higher than we would like it to be, but it is down from the June value of 9.1% meaning we are finally trending in the right direction.
I did make a few moves last week. I bought VOO (S&P 500 ETF) in my Roth IRA and QQQ (Nasdaq 100 ETF) in my traditional brokerage. I'm not timing the market, but I think there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Now let's pivot back to how you originally found this email, Twitter.
“Conversations are happening whether you are there or not.” - Kim Garst
The Twitter Come Up

That was a text I sent to a buddy of mine two years ago.
What started as a way for me to keep up with options trades is now a platform that has connected me with over 25,000 people.
Though most of my content revolves around investing I get a lot of questions about Twitter specifically.
"How do you tweet every day?"
"How much money do you make?"
"What about the trolls?"
"Can you send me $100" - I'll answer that one now.

Since we just hit such a cool milestone I figured I would take an email and reveal everything from how many followers I gain per day to how much money I make on the platform.
Plus, if you are looking to start posting content for yourself there will be some nuggets in here to remember.
Numbers Don't Lie
Below I'm going to drop the data because numbers don't lie.
In all honesty, the last month hasn't been the best for me. Since starting a new job I've had less time during the day to interact and it has impacted my overall reach.
Looking at the big picture though, it's crazy. My tweets have been seen 2.5 million times in the last 28 days and my profile has generated 115,000 profile views in that time.
Compared to others that's chump change, but for a kid from a town of less than 7k residents, it's wild to me.

As I said, this has been a "slower month" even though we have added around 1,500 followers. I feel like a tool saying that as I remember the days of grinding to get that many in six months.

Right now I'm averaging about 60 followers a day. Ideally, I'd like to get this number closer to 100 but as long as we are increasing I'm happy.

I use this data to gauge the quality of my content and posting strategy. If a drop-off occurs, it's time to re-evaluate.
For those who also create content, remember to not get completely invested in the numbers. Some days will just be better than others and that's that. Remember why you started to create content in the first place and enjoy the process.
Reps Reps Reps
I've tweeted...a lot.

Over the last two years (735 days) I have sent out at least one tweet. I might have missed a handful, but I do my best to post something no matter what.
The secret to creating a social media following is being consistent. If you aren't posting you won't be found. It only takes one piece of content to blow up and change everything.
It goes slow...until it goes fast.
Tip for the Twitter bros. If you want to reduce how much you are on your phone consider using a tweet scheduling service. Hyperfury, Zapallo, and Tweet Hunter (what I use) are platforms where you can schedule tweets. For the days I'm busy at work, on the water fishing, or attempting to play golf, being able to schedule tweets is a lifesaver.
Another nugget, don't be afraid to recycle content. Take old tweets from 6-12 months ago, change them a bit, and send them out again. You have likely gained new followers who missed it the first time you posted.
Be Social
Like LinkedIn, but for cool people.
That's how I see Twitter when you interact with the right accounts and curate your feed.
At this point, I've met hundreds of people at all different stages of their life. Young guns hustling for their first 10k months, small company founders just getting their startup off the ground, 30-year career millionaires living off their dividends, the list goes on and on.
For example, I sent a DM to a guy with 100k YouTube subscribers that I've watched for years about getting on a call. This was his reply.

Make these connections and you can leverage them whenever you have a question or are looking to pursue an idea, business, investment, etc.
Take it a step farther and start hoping on zoom calls with interesting people and you will really learn something.
Show me the money
So with all the "influencer" hype and "guru" talk on social media nowadays you might think I am rolling in the dough with 25k followers on Twitter.
Well....I'm not. 💸
I don't have a 100% accurate number on the amount I've made from Twitter, and when you consider the time I've put in my hourly rate is laughable. The ballpark number is about $3,000-$4,000 over the last 12 months. Most of this is from sponsored posts and product sales.
Ideally, to increase that, I'd like this email to be the main source of income through sponsored posts.
(So it would be dope if you shared this with a friend...or seven.)
Plans For The Future
What's the plan going forward?
Well, I just created an Instagram and LinkedIn for Cade Invests. Though I haven't posted any content yet, I'll link them here if you want to be one of the first followers.
Slightly new look.😎

Other than adding a channel or two for monetizing, I don't have any major plans besides continuing to grow as an investor and sharing my experiences along the way.
My goals for this year were to grow Twitter to 20k (check), generate $1,000 per month, and have 5,000 email subs. At the moment we are 1/3 but there are a couple of things on the horizon that will hopefully get us closer to 3/3.
(This newsletter will be the first to know.)
The Cons
Twitter isn't all sunshine and rainbows.
Haters, trolls, spam messages, and "hi's" from random accounts trying to promote the next ass coin are all part of the process.

My recommendation if you are building a brand, don't be afraid of the block button. I'm all for reasonable discussion, as I like it when my views are challenged, but when someone is rude I won't think twice about blocking them.
Growing on Twitter has been dope. It's taken a lot of time, but I enjoy the process.
If you are debating on whether to start a brand or start posting content this is your sign to do it. Putting yourself out there is hard, but the advantages of having a presence online are worth it.
I hope you found this look behind my profile interesting. I normally don't share this kind of stuff, but subscribers get the goods.
See you in the next one, Cade.
Memes Of The Week
investors be like:
— Puff (@PuffYatty)
1:07 PM • Aug 10, 2022
🔔 | The World Excel Championship is being broadcast on ESPN and it's absolutely wild
More below:
— LADbible (@ladbible)
1:02 PM • Aug 9, 2022
Enjoy this post? I'd appreciate it if you share it with friend. Thanks, you're the best.
Share link: cadeinvests.beehiiv.com
Simply Invest With ETFs - Learn the in’s and out’s of ETFs and why they are the simplest and most effective way to invest.
Turbocharge Your Dividends - Generate extra income by selling covered calls on your stocks and ETFs.
Tweet Hunter - Automate your Twitter and build an account that will pay you $100 a week.
Personal Capital - Track all of your investments in one place.
Nothing in this email is intended to serve as financial advice. Do your own research. Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. about the email send me a DM on twitter. See you soon!