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- Friends = $$$
Friends = $$$
Thoughts on the value of friendships.
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Sponsored By: Cade's 1-on-1 zero to trillionaire chat calls.
Let's chat. I'm tossing around the idea of starting a 1 on 1 financial coaching service. To get things off the ground, I'm opening my calendar for anyone who wants to talk, for free.
In the call we can discuss budget planning, 401k setup, paying down debt, ETFs, different investing strategies, or whatever other money questions might be lingering upstairs.
These will be free for a limited time. For those interested, you can schedule a call here.
(also if you want to ask any questions on building an audience, Twitter strategies, newsletter writing, etc this is your chance. Just note the topic when scheduling.)
Update: Calls have been booked out for the week! Depending on how these go I'll look at sending another list of spots in next week's email. Stay tuned.
"Friends are like money in the bank, longer you keep them, the more they are worth." - Unknown
Friends = $$$

The last few emails have been very technical, so we are going to lighten up a bit for this one.
What are your friends worth?
Today we are going to breakdown some thoughts on the value of friendships, how to make more friends, and how to extract the most out of said friends.
We have all heard the quote, "you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Think about it. Your potential is a firework. Friends can be the light to your fuse, or a damp windy night that sucks the life out of any potential for a bang.
The issue, some people never figure out the trick on that damp windy night is to have a couple friends cup their hands around the fuse, while one clicks the lighter repeatedly 15 times for a flame. Then another gust blows it out, but don't worry. Your true homies are still there...click, click, click, flame, spark, psshsssssss, bang.
In case you missed it, that paragraph wasn't about fireworks.
But I'll give you a hint.
A great friend is priceless.

Value of Friendships
No, I'm not about to tell you to calculate a dollar value for each of your boys and then cut off the one that is the most broke.
What we are going to talk about is seeing the value that friends can provide.
The first example will be obvious. One of your buddies is big into finance. Maybe he helps you understand your 401k match and its importance for your retirement. You start investing $400 a month. Next thing you know 20 years from now you are sitting on an extra $250,000. Your homie added a quarter million dollars to your net worth.
That's an easy-to-understand numbers example, but let's go deeper.
One of your buds is a gym junkie. This guy watches all of the fitness YouTubers, keeps up with the latest supplements, and gives you some pointers on working out. Maybe he even says "dude you're looking a little flat" and motivates you to get back to exercising regularly.

What's the value of this over a lifetime? It's hard to quantify, but you staying in shape thanks to his tips, gym selfies (or bro criticism), might save you from a heart attack, add five years to your life, or help you land the partner of your dreams.
Friends can be valuable for an unlimited list of reasons. Maybe they are a nerd, maybe they have great work experience, maybe they like discussing business ideas, or maybe it's as simple as they can make you laugh like no one else.
There is no putting a number on it.
How To Make More Friends
I got the idea for this write-up from the book I just finished "How To Win Friends and Influence People."
Yes, it took me *checks tweet* almost five months to complete it, but don't let my reading ability be a judge of quality.
My current read.
Kind of embarrassing since it’s such a popular suggestion but better late than never.
— Cade Invests (@cadeinvests)
1:31 AM • Aug 18, 2022
It's great, and I highly recommend it to anyone in a leadership position or looking to improve their social skills.
Since we talked about the value of friends, it only seemed right to include Mr. Carnegie's six ways to make people like you.
- Principle 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
- Principle 2: Smile
- Principle 3: Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
- Principle 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
- Principle 5: Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
- Principle 6: Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely.
Try these out on someone you want to get to know better. Who knows, maybe you'll ditch the handshake for a good dab-up in the future.
Get The Most Out Of Your Friends
Good friends support you. Great friends challenge you.
It's easy to say what "should be said." Sometimes though a little tough love can make all the difference.
Don't be afraid to question one of your buds viewpoints, habits, or common beliefs. Remember, this is a two-way street so when they return the favor by letting you know maybe you are spending too much on fishing gear, realize they are (hopefully) trying to make you better.
Accountability and positivity go a long way.
Friendships over your lifetime will be one of the most influential factors when it comes to your finances, health, viewpoints, and habits.
Tell your bros (or home girls) that you appreciate them and try to level up together.
Winning is contagious, and it's better with your homies.
(Just realized, I didn't even get into the network effect of friendships but we'll save that for another day).
Cade's Finds
How To Make $100M+ By Predicting Trends - Podcast on the importance of spotting trends and just how lucrative they can be in business.
How Much Income Do You Need To Be Rich - Post by Nick Maggiulli on how much income you need and what factors contribute to that number.
Closed: Reminder, if you want to jump on a quick 1 on 1 call with me, here is the link to schedule.
Best Memes
FTX memes are still going around, and I'm here for it.
You just know he got the ladies.
Always go after your dreams 🙏
— Wall Street Memes (@wallstmemes)
1:29 PM • Jan 14, 2023
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Nothing in this email is intended to serve as financial advice. Do your own research. Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. about the email send me a DM on twitter. See you soon!